St Augustine’s is a Christian Church. That means that we put Jesus Christ central in our worship and teach and encourage each other to live our lives in a similar way. We are an evangelical church who believe in the authority of Scripture and our Patron is the Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS),
St Augustine’s is an Anglican church. We belong to the Church of England. This means that we belong to an organisation that has millions of members worldwide. The Anglican church is one branch of the largest family in the world -the whole Christian church. It also means that we have a legal responsibility for the parish we work in. This means we baptise, marry, and take funerals for people who live in the community, we reach out to the community in love and we are responsible for praying for it.
The village of Locking is near Weston-super-Mare, in the county of Somerset in the South West of England. The Parish church stands on a hill above a valley by the Mendip Hills and with views towards the nearby coast. Christians have worshiped on the site for over 800 years and there has been a church here since around AD 1230. The medieval church tower dates from 1380. The Christian community meets for services every Sunday.
Services for this month are as shown on the Front Page. Children and babies welcome to all morning services. Come and join us. Prayer Ministry available after each service.
There is a Car Park next to the Church and a disabled parking space in front of the Church. There is easy access into the Church and Church Centre.
St Augustine's Church is open for visitors March - November from 10am - dusk on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Includes a local history display.
Our Church runs various groups: Home groups for Bible Study and Fellowship, Women’s meetings, Prayer Meeting, Children’s groups, plus a variety of courses to help explain Christian faith. See Activities
Rev Larissa Trust
Rev Geoff Hobden
Lay Leader
Cliff Dumbell
Corriene Wilson
Churchwardens: Margaret Cooper and Simon Begent Organist: Chris Barrow Treasurer: John Parfitt Safeguarding: Marion Dumbell Electoral Roll: Gillian Jones
St Augustine's Parochial Church Council members: Margaret Cooper (Warden), Simon Begent (Warden), John Parfitt (Treasurer), Cliff Dumbell (Deanery Synod), Mike Cooper, Pam Kirby, Carolyn Welford and Jo Egitto
Our Safeguarding Policy and contacts can be found here Safeguarding. Our Data Privacy Notice can be found here Data Privacy
The Benefice of Hutton and Locking
The Parishes of St Mary the Virgin Hutton, and St Augustine’s Locking, are part of the one group or Benefice sharing the same Vicar. Both churches work together and have a joint Leadership Team, Alpha Course, a joint Pastoral Team, a joint Ministry Team, a joint Home Group Leaders group, Women’s Fellowship, joint Men’s Breakfast, Maundy Thursday, Harvest and Men’s and Ladies’ suppers, Stay Connected news-sheet for the Benefice, Healing Prayer team, joint homegroups Prayer Chain and Marriage Prep. On a fifth Sunday we worship together in one of the churches. We also share an administrator who is based in Locking Church Centre.Both churches have the same aims:-
To worship God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
To grow in their relationship with God through prayer and teaching.
To build a sense of family in each church and jointly.
To serve and reach out to each of the communities that we live in.
To do all this in the name of Jesus
Both churches are friendly and very open to new people joining – they are loving communities of people who love Jesus and who want to share this with others.
CPAS is an Anglican evangelical mission that believes the message of the gospel is relevant to all people, and that effective church local ministry is the key to seeing men, women, young people and children come to faith in Christ